
What should GC delegates know about UM Men?


2022 NGCUMM Executive Committee Newly Elected Officers

Ernest Perry Elected NGCUMM President (Click for Bios)

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Click To Read Letter

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Click To Read About Our Speaker’s Bureau

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SEJ UMM Resolution On Racial Healing Circles

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Click To Read Interview

United Methodist Men

of the

North Georgia Conference!

Click to View Interactive UMM Map

The United Methodist Men of the North Georgia Conference is affiliated with the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church.  The United Methodist Men of the North Georgia Conference is located in the state of Georgia in the United States of America.

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Official Calendar of NGCUMM

Calendar of Events



Contact Us:

Office Phone  404-909-8250

Office Fax  404-909-8250

eMail  UMMen@ngcumm.org

Our Mailing Address:

United Methodist Men
PO Box 450646
Atlanta, GA 31145

Click for Mailing List Sign-Up
