Annual UMM Dues

Annually Men’s Ministry units within the conference pay annual dues  to the United Methodist Men of the North Georgia Conference.  The annual dues process acknowledges your congregation’s participation in Men’s Ministry and provides updated contact information allowing for ongoing communication!

You can complete your annual dues payment online, click here, on icon or link below.

The annual dues is $50. This funding supports men’s ministries through the United Methodist Men of the North Georgia Conference.  

Click Here to Charter Online at the General Commission on United Methodist Men site

After you have chartered or re-certified your local unit, please consider donating to the United Methodist Men of the North Georgia Conference.  Your contribution will help enhance our Christian men’s ministry across the North Georgia Conference.

Click on the secure donation link below to make a contribution to the UMMen of NGa.




Contact Us:

Office Phone  404-909-8250

Office Fax  404-909-8250


Our Mailing Address:

United Methodist Men
PO Box 450646
Atlanta, GA 31145
